lunes, 20 de marzo de 2017

  my ideal social network    

 My ideal network is called M this network you can download in the computer,tablet,cell phone you can use this app to call, you can send photos in seconds,you can upload photos but only to your contacts can see the photos you can capture screenshoot you can share the meme for your contacts it's not necessary to exit the app, you can call and the music doesn't stop the other person can listen to your music,you can share picture and doesn't use the memory of  cellphone you can share your location for your contacts you can change the league,the app can help you to learn a new league you can silence the conversation,you can have more the one status , you can see movies,videos or netflix,you can costumize your profile,you can follow people and people can follow you, this us a good idea for a social network because that have a lot of things that the other social networks don't have 
Resultado de imagen para redes sociales Resultado de imagen para social network

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